Package org.jasypt.hibernate.type

Class Summary
AbstractEncryptedAsStringType Base class for Hibernate 3 UserTypes to store values as encrypted strings.
EncryptedBigDecimalAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of BigDecimal values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedBigDecimalType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows transparent encryption of BigDecimal values during persistence of entities.
EncryptedBigIntegerAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of BigInteger values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedBigIntegerType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows transparent encryption of BigInteger values during persistence of entities.
EncryptedBinaryType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows transparent encryption of byte[] values during persistence of entities.
EncryptedBooleanAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Boolean values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedByteAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Byte values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedCalendarAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Calendar values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedDateAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Date values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedDoubleAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Double values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedFloatAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Float values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedIntegerAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Integer values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedLongAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Long values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedShortAsStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows encryption of Short values into String (VARCHAR) database fields during persistence of entities.
EncryptedStringType A Hibernate 3 UserType implementation which allows transparent encryption of String values during persistence of entities.
ParameterNaming Constant names of the parameters that can be used by a jasypt type's typedef declaration in a Hibernate mapping.

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