1.9.3 ===== - Fixed #32: encryption works but decryption does not, Java 8 (JCE jars installed). Added support for initialization vectors needed for AES encryption and decryption since Java 8. 1.9.2 ===== - Fixed EncryptablePreferencesPlaceholderConfigurer not applying value decryption when needed. 1.9.1 ===== (no changes) 1.9.0 ===== - Extracted jasypt-spring3 package from previous monolithic jasypt module. - Renamed org.jasypt.spring package as org.jasypt.spring3, and deprecated the classes in the old package. - Created the "encryption" XML namespace, containing tags for: * Encryptors * PBE encryptor config objects: * PBE byte encryptor objects: * PBE string encryptor objects: * PBE big decimal encryptor objects: * PBE big integer encryptor objects: * Digesters * Digester config objects: * Digester byte digester objects: * Digester string digester objects: * Util encryptors/digesters * Basic text encryptor objects: * Strong text encryptor objects: * Basic password encryptor objects: * Strong password encryptor objects: * Configurable password encryptor objects: * Encryptable properties * Encryptable properties objects (java.util.Properties): * Encryptable property placeholder configurer: * Encryptable property override configurer: